Programme Objectives

Enhancing Awareness

Encouraging Responsibility

Inspiring Career Paths

Login Here
The Let’s Talk Farming website is an essential tool for schools and students registered with the Programme. It includes access to templates, articles, gallery, glossary, online submission of documents/claims, etc. Middle and secondary students can also fill-in the Students Self Reflection Form to acquire our accredited programme’s certificate. If you are registered with the Programme, login here by clicking the button below.

Register as a School or Student
The Programme Let’s Talk Farming is a valuable resource for the upcoming generation as it provides them with knowledge, appreciation and skills that are essential in their holistic development where food and food production is concerned. For more information about the Programme, or to apply and form part of the ever-growing community of schools and students participating in the programme, click the button below!

Register as a Partner
If you owe an agricultural enterprise (farms, fields, orchards, food production sites) that are suitable for receiving School Outings; or have expertise in a particular farming sector and would like to talk about and share knowledge with students in classes and in schools, we would like to get to know you and to invite you to become a project partner with the Programme. If you’re interested, click the button below.
Winners of Let's Talk Farming Programme
As the Programme develops and expands with each year, it witnesses remarkable achievements in its mission to educate and raise awareness about our food systems. Guided by its aims and objectives, the Programme successfully engaged students in exploring the various facets of food production, and fostered a deeper understanding of the connection between food, health, and the environment.
Click the Award Badges to view the list of winning schools that participated!!
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